Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Hi, again,

I copied this from according to the entry below on Chenango, Windsor, Conklin, Binghamptom and Port Crane were all part of the City of Chenango at one time. Also Kattleville is a small hamlet here. When reading in the Gee -- Jay book I found a note about a Gee being buried in the Kattleville Cemetary. Gee, maybe we are Gees. I should have looked at that Gee -- Jay book more closely.


CHENANGO–was formed Feb. 16, 1791. Windsor was taken off in 1807, Conklin in 1824, and Binghamton and Port Crane in 1855. A part of Union was annexed Feb. 26, 1808, and a part of Maine, Nov. 27, 1856. It lies upon the W. bank of Chenango River, a little W. of the center of the co. Its surface consists of the river intervale and several high ridges extending in a N. and S. direction and separated by the narrow valleys of small streams. The declivities of the hills are steep, and their summits are 300 to 600 feet above the valleys. Castle and Kattel Creeks, tributaries of Chenango River, are the principal streams. The former was named from the location of an Indian castle near its mouth, and the latter from a family of early settlers. The soil upon the N. hills is a gravelly loam mixed with disintegrated slate and underlaid by hardpan, but farther S. it becomes a deeper and richer gravelly loam. It is productive, but, from its moist character, it is largely devoted to grazing. Stock growing and dairying form the leading branches of agricultural interest. Castle Creek (p. v.) is on the creek of the same name, in the W. part of the town. Pop. 185. Glen Castle, (p. o.,) on a branch of the same stream, is in the central part. Chenango, (p. o.,) on Chenango River, is a station on the S. B. & N. Y. R. R. Kattelville is a hamlet on Kattel Creek. The first settlement was made in 1787, by Thos. Gallop. CH1 There are 4 churches in town. CH2


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